Test Your Parvo I.Q.:

What kind of dogs are at an increased risk of getting infected by Parvo?

A.Puppies less than 4 months that have not had the full series of vaccinations

B.Dogs between the age of 3-7.

C.All dogs.

D.Vaccinated dogs.


By which of the following can Parvo be spread?

A. Clothing, shoes, parks, shopping areas, sport fields

B.Your hands


D.All of these

Answer: D

Parvo infection causes which of the following symptoms?

A.Excessive drooling, lameness, and diarrhea.

B.Fever, lethargy, vomiting, and severe (sometimes bloody) diarrhea.

C.Bloody diarrhea, collapsed trachea, lameness, and hair loss.

D.Blood shot eyes, vomiting, kidney failure, and foaming at the mouth.

Answer: B, parvo can be fatal unless treated

13. Which of the following would be a good way to prevent a Parvo infection?

 A.Taking very young puppies to meet other dogs.

B.Isolating your dog.

C.Looking for symptoms.

D.Vaccination and good hygiene. Completing the full series of puppy vaccinations is so important in preventing puppy diseases but especially in preventing Parvo.


