Dr Barry’s Tips for Motion Sickness

Before I was a Veterinarian and I was newly married, my wife and I traveled from Memphis Tennessee to Birmingham Alabama to visit my parents. We decided to bring Benny, our pug, with us.  We had no idea the 4-hour ride would be so hard for Benny.  He panted nonstop, drooled and whimpered the whole ride. What we didn’t know was that Benny was suffering from motion sickness.

Many cats and dogs suffer from motion sickness when traveling. Air, boat, or car, the mode of transportation doesn’t seem to matter when an animal suffers from motion sickness.

What causes motion sickness? There are 4 Main causes:

#1. AGE

When motion sickness occurs in young animals, it’s often related to the immature development of the parts of its inner ear, specifically those involved in balance. When this is the case, the problem is often outgrown by the time the animal reaches its first birthday.

If your pet continues to have issues as it gets older, motion sickness may be caused by:


Some pets experience motion sickness because they have learned to associate being in the vehicle with a stressful event. For instance, if a pet only rides in a vehicle when it is taken to a boarding kennel or to the veterinarian, it may relate travelling to being separated from family or getting its shots. This worry may lead to stomach upset that results in vomiting and, sometimes, diarrhea.


Motion sickness can also be triggered by something a pet goes through when it is young. If the first rides of a puppy or kitten are traumatic or frightening, the pet may continue to relate traveling with being scared and may experience bouts of motion sickness throughout its entire adult life.


Motion sickness may also be related to issues involving a pet’s health, for example:

  • Infections of the middle- or inner-ear
  • Vestibular disease
  • Medication side effects of vomiting or diarrhea.

What are the Signs of Motion Sickness?

There are easily observable signs that indicate an animal has motion sickness and is about to vomit. These include:

  • Restlessness
  • Excessive drooling
  • Lethargy
  • Yawning
  • Nausea.


Tip #1.If your pet acts as if it is going to vomit, stop the vehicle and take the pet for a walk. It may provide some temporary relief

Tip #2. Most pets travel best on an empty stomach, withhold food and water for 12 hours before travel begins

Tip #3. Place animal in a carrier that has been padded with a blanket from home

Tip #4. Keep the vehicle cool and quiet; avoid playing loud music

Tip #5. Choose a travel route that’s smooth, not bumpy, with minimal stops and turns.

Tip #6. Ease your pet’s anxiety:

  • Start by taking them on several short trips to help them become accustomed to being in the vehicle
  • Travel with them to fun places, such as the dog park or to an area where they can join you to hike or play in water
  • Give pet a toy that it enjoys, but reserve it for use only during travel times

Tip #7. If your pet does get sick, it will stress less if your remain calm

You can seek your Veterinarian’s help:

If your pet remains susceptible to the effects of motion sickness, there are various prescription medicines, over-the-counter drugs, and natural therapies that may be tried. However, certain treatments that work well with dogs are not as helpful with cats, so it is advised to first talk with the veterinarian. 

Motion sickness may not be something your pet can control, but the above information will help you make traveling with your pet less stressful for you and your pet. 

To Your pet’s good health,

Dr. Barry